An individual, group or organization intending to explore the development of a Children’s Advocacy Center may apply for Developing Membership. Developing Membership is renewable for one year.
An individual, group or organization seeking Developing Membership status must:
- Have a local interagency agreement to explore the feasibility of establishing a Children’s Advocacy Center signed, at a minimum, by Law Enforcement, District Attorney, and Department of Family and Children’s Services
- Have a one year development plan, a 12 month timeline, which detail efforts to explore the feasibility and interest in starting a Children’s Advocacy Centers
- Have a annual budget which identifies a Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia approved fiduciary agent and includes funds to send a representative to all Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia quarterly meetings and visit at least two Full Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia Member Centers
- Agrees to participate in the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia Mentoring Program